TimePunch Project Service
Diese Klasse enthält alle Daten zu einem Projekt.
Datatype | Name | Description |
Guid | Id | Unique ID of the project |
DateTime | LastUpdate | Time stamp of the last update |
Bool | IsPaid | Indicates that the project will be paid If true, PricePerHour, Vat and Currency must be filled. |
Double | PricePerHour | Defines the hourly rate |
Double | Vat | Defines the VAT |
String | Currency | Defines the used currency. E.g. € |
Long | TextColor | Text colour of the project. |
Long | BackgroundColor | Background colour of the project |
String | ProjectName | Name of the project |
String | ProjectDescription | Short description of the project |
Bool | IsProjectDeleted | True, if the project has been deleted |
Bool | IsProjectTimeLimited | True, if the project is limited in time. If true, StartDate and EndDate must be filled |
DateTime? | StartDate | The first valid booking date for the project, or NULL if the project is not time limited. |
DateTime? | EndDate | The last valid booking date for the project, or NULL if the project is not time limited. |
List\<TaskDto> | TaskList | Collection of tasks that belongs to the project |
Bool | IsWorkingTimeRestricted | True, if the project has a maximum amount of working hours. If true, MaxWorkingTime must be filled |
Datatype | Name | Description |
Double | MaxWorkingTime | Maximum Amount of Working Time |
CustomerDto | Customer | Default customer that is used when creating new time entries. |
ProjectState | ManualProjectState | Current project state. Calculated = 0, Green = 1, Yellow = 2, Red = 3 |
String | ProjectStateDescription | User defined description of the project state |
Bool | DontInheritCommonTasks | True, if the client shall not show the common tasks at the project level. |
Bool | IsOrderBased | True, if the project is based on a customer order |
String | Account | Project account number |
String | CostCenter | Cost center of the project |
OrderType | OrderType | The order type of the project Undefined = 0 PrivateSector = 1 PublicService = 2 SupplyOfTemporaryWorkers = 3 ServiceContract = 4 ContractToProduceAWork = 5 |
String | ContractId | Order nr. of the project |
String | PlaceOfServiceProvision | The place of service provision |
Double? | ChargingJourneyTime | Percentage of driving time hat counts as working time |
Int | RoundPrecisionInMinutes | Rounding precision in minutes |
Rounding | Rounding | Type of rounding NotRounded = 0 Rounded = 1 RoundUp = 2 RoundDown = 3 |
Double | YellowTrafficLight | Factor where the traffic light turn to yellow |
Double | RedTrafficLight | Factor where the traffic light turn to red |
ProjectLifeCycle | ProjectLifeCycle | Current life cycle state of the project |
ProjectAvailability | ProjectAvailability | Defines from whom the project can be accessed. AvailableForAll = 0 AvailableForSelected = 1 AvailableForNone = 2 |
UserProfileDto | ProjectOwner | Defines the project owner |
Guid? | ParentProjectId | Id of the parent project or NULL, if there is no parent project defined. |
String | ParentProjectName | Read only name of the parent project |
String | ParentProjectDescription | Read only description of the parent project |
String | FurtherAccountingDetails | User specific data used to concrete the project accounting |
String | ProjectCode | The barcode of a project. Used to identify a project by a barcode scanner. |
Bool | IsMaxWorkingTimeExceedable | True, if the maximum working time of a project can be exceeded |
BookingType | BookingType | The booking type that is allowed for the project. Undefined = 0 Timed = 1 Duration = 2 |
Guid? | DefaultTaskId | That’s the id of the default task of a project that will be used for new time entries. |
Diese Klasse ist von PagingContextDto abgeleitet und definiert einen Filter zum Suchen von Projekten.
Datatype | Name | Description |
String | ProjectName | Name of the project to search |
Bool | InTimeFrame | If true, only projects that are active and in the bookable time frame will be returned |
Bool | EnrichWithTasks | If true, the projects will be loaded with included task information. |
String | GenericSearch | Generic search will search for project name and description |
ProjectLifeCycle | ProjectLifeCycle | Searches only for projects that matches the defined lifecylce |
Guid? | ParentProjectId | If set, returns only the projects of the given parent |
Bool | EnrichWithUserDefinedCustomer | If true, the projects will be enriched with customer data |
Guid | GroupLeaderId | Id of the group leader. All projects of the dependend members will be retrieved. |
Bool | IncludeParentProjects | Flag that defines if parent projects shall be returned by the search, even if they are not matched by search criteria. |
ProjectTaskDto : TaskDto
Diese Klasse ist von TaskDto abgeleited und enthält als zusätzliche Eigenschaft den Namen des Projekts zu dem die Tätigkeit gehört.
Datatype | Name | Description |
String | Project | Name of the project to which the task belongs |
Diese Klasse wird dazu genutzt um die Zeitbudgets eines Projekts abzurufen.
Datatype | Name | Description |
DateTime? | Date | NULL, if all project times shall be looked up. A special date if only the times up to the passed date shall be calculated. |
Guid | UserId | Id of the TimePunch User that has been looked up. |
Guid | ProjectId | Id of the project that has been looked up. |
Double | ScheduledWork | The scheduled work for the project. |
Double | HoursWorked | The hours the user has already been worked on the project. |
Double | AvailableWork | The available work that can be booked by the user. |
ProjectUserDto : UserProfileDto
Diese Klasse enthält die Kombination von Projekt und TimePunch Profil. Sie wird lesend dazu verwendet, um festzulegen, welche Profile auf ein bestimmtes Projekt buchen dürfen. Diese Klasse ist von UserProfileDto abgeleitet
Datatype | Name | Description |
Guid | Id | Unique ID of TimePunch Profile |
String | ProjectName | Name of the project |
Guid | ProjectId | Id of the project |
Double | ScheduledWork | The scheduled work for the user. |
PoolType | PoolType | The pool type (allowed values are Shared / Private) |
UserRights | UserRights | Contains the permissions of the user that belongs to the project. This field is used to identify project leaders. |
ProjectMember Type | MemberType | Defines the type of the project member (e.g. Member, or Assistant) |
ProjectUserRelationSaveDto : UserProfileDto
Diese Klasse enthält benutzerspezifische Einstellungen für ein Projekt. Diese Klasse ist von UserProfileDto abgeleitet.
Datatype | Name | Description |
Guid | ProjectId | Id of the project |
Guid? | CustomerId | Id of the default customer if set, or NULL if no default customer has been set. |
Double? | PricePerHour | Price per hour if set, or NULL if no user specific price per hour has been set. |
Double? | MaxWorkingTime | Maximum working time for the user in the specified project. Or NULL, if no maximum working time for the user has been set. |
Double? | ChargingJourneyTime | Percent of charging journey time for the user in the specified project. Or NULL, if no charging journey time has been set. |
ProjectMember Type | MemberType | Defines the type of the project member (e.g. Member, or Assistant) |
ProjectUserRelationDto : ProjectUserRelationSaveDto
Diese Methode ist von ProjectUserRelationSaveDto abgeleitet und enthält noch zusätzliche Informationen die nur beim Laden der Daten zurückgegeben werden.
Datatype | Name | Description |
String | Project | Name of the project |
String | CustomerRefNr | Reference number of the customer |
String | CustomerName | Name of the customer |
UserRights | UserRights | The permission of the given user. |
Diese Klasse enthält alle Daten die einen Task beschreiben. Ein Task ist entweder direkt mit einem Projekt verknüpft oder als Common Task (Allgemeine Tätigkeit) keinem Projekt zugeordnet. Common Tasks können somit mit jedem Projekt verbunden werden.
Datatype | Name | Description |
Guid | Id | Unique ID of the task |
String | TaskNameId | Name of the task |
String | TaskDescription | Description of the task |
Bool | IsDeleted | True, if the task is deleted and cannot be used for new time entries. |
TimeEntryType | Usage | Defines how the task entry will be booked when creating new time entries. |
Double | CostFactor | The cost factor defines a factor that multiplied by the hourly rate, defines the net cost. |
String | TaskCode | Barcode of the task. Used to identify a task by the barcode scanner. |
Double | WorktimeFactor | The worktime factor defines which part of duration will be added to the worktime. |
String | WorkTypeNo | Booking account type no. that overrides the default type no. for the work |
String | OtherTypeNo | Booking account type no that overrides the default type no. for special times (e.g. on call service) |
TimeRestriction | WorkTimeRestriction | This field can be set to NoRestriction, TargetTime or SelfDefined |
double? | MaxTaskWorkingTimePerDay | If the time restriction is set to self defined, this field defines the max. working time per day that is allowed for booking. |