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Version: 5.1

TimePunch Licensing Service


Diese Klasse enthält die Lizenzierungsdaten für TimePunch.

GuidIdUnique ID of the application license
StringLicensedForName of whom the license has been registered.
StringLicenseCodeLicense Code
IntCountKeysAmount of users who can use this application license.
IntUsedKeysAmount of licenses that are already in use.
DateTimeValidUntilIf the license is only valid for a time period, this field contains the expiration date.
StringValidForVersionIf the license is only valid for a given TimePunch Version, this version is filled in here.
BoolIsLicenseValidTrue, if the returned application license is valid for the installed version of TimePunch.
StringApplicationKeyThe application key to which the application license belongs.


Diese Klasse enthält die Lizenzdaten für ein TimePunch Profil.

GuidIdUnique ID of the application license
UserProfileDtoUserTimePunch Profile to that the user license belongs too
StringApplicationKeyThe module or application key for that the license is valid
GuidApplicationLicenseIdThe Id of the application license for which the user is licensed.


Diese Klasse enthält die Kundendaten, die zu TimePunch gesendet werden, damit ein neues Angebot zum Lizenzupgrade erstellt werden kann.

GuidIdUnique ID of the application license
StringFullnameFull name of the user
StringCompanyCompany of the user
StringEmailEmail address of the user
StringPhonePhone number of the user