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Version: 5.0

TimePunch Configuration Service


Diese Klasse beinhaltet Einstellungen zur internen Berechnungslogik von TimePunch.

ContinuedPaymentLeavePayoutCalculationDefines how the continued leave payout will be calculated (AsWorkTime, AsAveragePayout)
ContinuedPaymentSickPayoutCalculationDefines how the continued sick payout will be calculated (AsWorkTime, AsAveragePayout)
ContinuedPaymentBankHolidayPayoutCalculationDefines how the continued bank holiday payout will be calculated (AsWorkTime, AsAveragePayout)
BoolIsDataPreviewDefines, if a data preview shall be activated. With activated data preview, the times will be calculated ahead for the current month.
TimeSpanNightShiftStartTimeStart time of the night shift
TimeSpanNightShiftEndTime1End time of the core night shift.
TimeSpanNightShiftEndTime2End time of the extended night shift.
TimeSpanSaturdaySplitTimeTime that separates the saturday morning of the saturday afternoon.
DateTime?OverbookingIsAllowedSinceDefines, if overbooking is allowed and since when it is allowed.
double?OvertimeSurchargeStartDefines the start of the overtime surcharge. If not defined the surcharge time starts with the target time of the user.
ShortTimeWorkShortTimeWorkDefines how short time work shall be handled (PerDay, PerMonth)
OvernightEntriesOvernightEntriesDefines how overnight entries shall be displayed to the user (Split, Merge)


This class contains information about the cost center assignment of the different booking types in TimePunch.

StringSicknessCostcenterCost center that is used for sickness bookings
StringLeaveCostcenterCost center that is used for leave bookings
StringOfficialBankHolidayCostcenterCost center that is used for official bank holiday bookings
StringSpecialLeaveCostCenterCost center that is used for special leave bookings
StringCorrectionCostCenterCost center that is used for overtime/flexitime corrections


This class contains information about the automatic mail dispatch in TimePunch.

MailReceiverMailCoreTimeViolationDefines to whom the core time violations shall be send
StringMailCoreTimeViolationToCustomMailAddressDefines a custom mail address to whom the core time violations shall be send. It’s possible to define multiple addresses separated by comma.
MailReceiverMailMonthEndClosingDefines to whom the month end closings shall be send
StringMailMonthEndClosingCustomMailAddressDefines a custom mail address to whom the month end closings shall be send. It’s possible to define multiple addresses separated by comma.
MailReceiverMailTimeEntryAuditDefines to whom time entry audits shall be send
StringMailTimeEntryAuditToCustomMailAddressDefines a custom mail address to whom the time entry audits shall be send. It’s possible to define multiple addresses separated by comma.
MailReceiverMailFireAndHireDefines to whom fire and hire information shall be send
StringMailFireAndHireToCustomMailAddressDefines a custom mail address to whom the fire and hire information shall be send. It’s possible to define multiple addresses separated by comma.


This class contains information about the settings for wage data export.

StringFixedSalaryTypeNoDefines the account for the fixed salary export.
StringTemporaryHourlyWageTypeNoDefines the account for the temporary hourly wage workers.
StringHourlyWageTypeNoDefines the account for the hourly wage workers.
StringSicknessTypeNoDefines the account for the time of sickness.
StringLeaveTypeNoDefines the account for the leave time.
StringSpecialLeaveTypeNoDefines the account for the special leave time.
StringPaidOvertimeTypeNoDefines the account for the paid overtime.
StringOfficialBankHolidayTypeNoDefines the account for the official bank holiday.
StringSaturdayWorkAmTypeNoDefines the account for the work at Saturday morning.
StringSaturdayWorkPmTypeNoDefines the account for the work at Saturday afternoon.
StringSundayWorkTypeNoDefines the account for the worktime at Sunday.
StringNightShiftTypeNoDefines the account for the night shift working time.
StringNightShiftCoreTypeNoDefines the account for the night shift core working time.
StringOvertimeTypeNoDefines the account for the overtime
StringOnCallServiceTypeNoDefines the account for the on-call service
StringShortTimeWorkTypeNoDefines the account for the short time work.
StringSicknessNotPaidTypeNoDefines the account for the sick days that are not paid

GlobalSalaryExportDto: SalaryExportDto

This class contains information about the global settings for export to a connected payroll accounting system.

StringAccountendNoDefines the number of the accountend. This is the company who manages the DATEV access for the customer.
StringClientNoDefines the client number of the customer.
SalaryExportTargetExportTargetDefines to which system the data shall be exported (DatevLODAS, DatevLohnUndGehalt, LexwareLohnUndGehalt, SBSLohnPlus)
SalaryExportTypeExportTypeDefines the type of the salary export. SimplePayout The complete month gets exported SubsequentPayout Export in the middle of the month using DATEV retroactive billing FloatingPayout Export in the middle of the month without using the DATEV recalculation
StringStatisticLeaveAsDays TypeNoDefines the statistic type no for taken leave
StringStatisticSickAsDaysTypeNoDefines the statistic type no for sick days
StringStatisticRemainingLeave AsDaysTypeNoDefines the statistic type no for remaining leave days
StringStatisticWorkAccount TypeNoDefines the statistic type no for the working account
BoolStatisticLeaveAsDays TypeNoCheckedDefines, if the statistic value for leave as days shall be exported
BoolStatisticSickAsDays TypeNoCheckedDefines, if the statistic value for sick days shall be exported
BoolStatisticRemainingLeave AsDaysTypeNoCheckedDefines, if the statistic value for remaining leave as days shall be exported
BoolStatisticWorkAccountType NoCheckedDefines, if the statistic value for the working account shall be exported

UserSalaryExportDto: SalaryExportDto

This class contains information about the global settings for export to a connected payroll accounting system.

GuidUserIdId of the user
TimeSpan?NightShiftStartTimeStart time of the night shift
TimeSpan?NightShiftEndTime1End time of the core night shift.
TimeSpan?NightShiftEndTime2End time of the extended night shift.
TimeSpan?SaturdaySplitTimeTime that separates the saturday morning of the saturday afternoon.


This class contains settings for the behaviour of TimePunch.

BoolIsAllowedToOverwriteBreaksFlag that indicates whether a break can be overwritten by user with restricted access. This value is false by default, because we do not want the user (without the managing permissions) to do that.
StringIsAllowedToManageProjectAccessFlat that indicates whether the timepunch user can manage project access. This value is true by default. It may only be false if the project access gets managed by a 3rd party software
BoolDisableCreationOfMasterdataDuringImportFlag that prevents the creation of master data during import, if master data is missing in import file.
ProjectAvailabilityProjectAvailabilityForNewProjectsThis field defines the default availability for new created projects.


This class contains the configuration of the document store in TimePunch.

intMaxDatabaseSizeGBMaximum size of the document storage.
intMaxFileSizeMBMaximum file size of one PDF Document stored in the document storage.