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Version: 5.1



The object of the class TpFault will always be returned if an error occurs.

IntegerErrorCodeError Code Nr.
StringMessageError Message
StringFaultTypeException Type
TpFaultInnerFaultInner fault object

TpAuthenticationFault : TpFault

Die Klasse TpAuthenticationFault ist von TpFault abgeleitet. Die Klasse hat ein weiteres Feld mit dem Namen Failure welches den Grund für den Autorisierungsfehler enthält.

AuthenticationFailureFailureUnexpectedException an unexpected exception occured NoRemoteConnection Not used exception NoDatabaseConnection There’s no database connection defined UserProfileNotFound The given user profile couldn’t be found IncorrectPassword The password wasn’t correct IdentityProfileNotFound The given identity couldn’t be found PasswordRequired No password has been set OldDatabaseVersion The database structure is outdated must be updated TimePunchOutdated The database structure is newer than the running TimePunch version. So TimePunch needs to be updated. NoLogonName No user logon has been set DataBelongsToDifferentProfile The user tries to edit data which belongs to a different user profile. NotInCoverage The user tries to edit data of a user profile that is not in his/her coverage. InsufficientRights The user has no permission to execute the command. InsufficientRightsToMigrateDatabase The user tries to migrate the database to a newer version. This is only allowed for people who have the rights to administrate TimePunch. NoWindowsPrincipal The principal object is not a valid windows principal ServerNotInDomain The server does not belong to a domain UserLockedOut The user has been locked out due to several invalid login requests


This object is the base class for all search object. It includes an option for paging the results

BoolUsePagingYes, if paging shall be used. No, if all result shall be returned at once.
IntPageZero based number of the page, or empty if no paging is used.
IntPageSizeNumber of entries at the page, or empty if no paging is used.