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Version: 5.1

TimePunch Customer Service


This class contains all customer data.

GuidIdUnique ID of the customer
StringCustomerNameName of the customer. This field, combined with the CustomerRefNr is unqiue.
StringCustomerRefNrRef. Nr. of the customer. This field, combined with the CustomerName is unqiue.
StringCustomerCodeBarcode of a customer. Used to identify a customer by its barcode.
StringEMailAddressEmail address of the customer
StringPostalAddressPostal address of the customer.
StringWebsiteCustomers web site URL
StringContactPersonName of the contact person of the customer
StringContactPerson JobPositionJob Position of the contact person
StringPhoneNumberThe phone number of the customer or/and the contact person.
StringFaxNumberThe fax number of the customer or/and the contact person.
StringMobileNumberThe mobile number of the customer or/and the contact person.
StringNotesNotes field to describe the customer
ColumnFlagsFor TimeSheetExportColumnFlagsA bit field that defines the columns that are used for exporting data to the customer. None = 1, Date = 2, Weekday = 4, Description = 8, Project = 16, Task = 32, StartTime = 64, EndTime = 128, WorkingTime = 256, BreakTime = 512, Leave = 1024, Flexitime = 2048, Sick = 4096, Journey = 8192, HourlyRate = 16384
StringExportTimeSheet MailTemplateMail template that is used to send the time sheet to the customer.
SyncTimeSheetFlagsSyncSheetFlagsA bit field that defines if also the time sheet data will be send to the customer (wich is the receiver)/ or a second sender (sender). Undefined = 0, None = 1, SyncToSender = 2, SyncToReceiver = 4
BoolIsCustomerDeletedTrue, if the customer has been marked as deleted.


This class is derived from the PagingContextDto and contains the fields that can be used to search for customers.

StringCustomerNameName of the customer. This field, combined with the CustomerRefNr is unqiue.
StringCustomerRefNrRef. Nr. of the customer. This field, combined with the CustomerName is unqiue.
StringEMailAddressEmail address of the customer
StringPostalAddressPostal address of the customer.
StringWebsiteCustomers web site URL
StringContactPersonName of the contact person of the customer
StringContactPerson JobPositionJob Position of the contact person
StringPhoneNumberThe phone number of the customer or/and the contact person.
StringFaxNumberThe fax number of the customer or/and the contact person.
StringMobileNumberThe mobile number of the customer or/and the contact person.
StringNotesNotes field to describe the customer
StringGenericSearchThe generic search will search for customers by the name and also the ref. Nr.
StringExportTimeSheet MailTemplateMail template that is used to send the time sheet to the customer.
List\<Guid>CustomerIdsThe method will only search in the given customer ids.
bool?IsCustomerDeletedNULL to search all customers independent of the state / True, False to search customers with a defined state.