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Version: 5.1


Get api/ProjectTimes

Liefert alle Zeiteinträge die auf ein bestimmtes Projekt, oder auf selektierte Projekte, bezogen sind.

Request Information

GET api/ProjectTimes?users={users}&projects={projects}&customers={customers}&logon={logon}&logoff={logoff}&important={important}&onsite={onsite}¬Invoiced={notInvoiced}

userssearch for users that are connected by a + signstring
projectssearch for projects that are connected by a + signstring
customerssearch for customers that are connected by a + signstring
logonfirst date that is returnedstring
logofflast date that is returnedstring
importantif set to true, only important entries will be returnedboolean
onsiteif set to true, only on-site entries will be returnedboolean
notInvoicedif set to true, only not invoiced entries will be returnedboolean

RESPONSE Information

Diese Methode gibt Objekte des Typs ReportTimeEntryDto zurück.

Get api/UserTimes

Liefert alle Zeiteinträge die auf bestimmte Benutzer, oder auf die selektierten Benutzer, bezogen sind.

Request Information

GET api/UserTimes?users={users}&projects={projects}&customers={customers}&logon={logon}&logoff={logoff}&important={important}&onsite={onsite}¬Invoiced={notInvoiced}&showWorkingTime={showWorkingTime}&showBreaks={showBreaks}&showPublicHolidays={showPublicHolidays}&showWeekends={showWeekends}&showMissingdays={showMissingdays}&showWeekdays={showWeekdays}

userssearch for users that are connected by a + signstring
projectssearch for projects that are connected by a + signstring
customerssearch for customers that are connected by a + signstring
logonfirst date that is returnedstring
logofflast date that is returnedstring
importantif set to true, only important entries will be returnedboolean
onsiteif set to true, only on-site entries will be returnedboolean
notInvoicedif set to true, only not invoiced entries will be returnedboolean
showWorkingTimeif set to true, working times are returned (default is true)boolean
showBreaksif set to true, break times are returned (default is true)boolean
showPublicHolidaysif set to true, public holiday are returned (default is true)boolean
showWeekendsif set to true, weekends are returned (default is false)boolean
showMissingdaysif set to true, missing days are returned (default is false)boolean
showWeekdaysif set to true, weekdays are returned (default is false)boolean

RESPONSE Information

Diese Methode gibt Objekte des Typs ReportTimeEntryDto zurück.

Get api/Users

Liefert die Stammdaten eines oder mehrerer selektierten Benutzer zurück.

Request Information

GET api/Users?search={search}&isDeleted={isDeleted}

searchsearch for user names that are connected by a + signstring
isDeletedtrue, if only deleted users shall be searchedboolean

RESPONSE Information

Diese Methode gibt Objekte des Typs ReportUserDTO zurück.

Get api/Projects

Liefert die Stammdaten eines oder mehrerer selektierter Projekte zurück.

Request Information

searchsearch for projects that are connected by a + signstring
lifeCylcesearch for projects that are in a special state (0 = all, 1 = planning, 2 = active, 4 = done, 8 = deleted)integer
withTaskstrue, if also depending tasks shall be returnedboolean
userDefinedCustomerstrue, if also used defined customers shall be returnedboolean

RESPONSE Information

Diese Methode gibt Objekte des Typs ReportProjectDTO zurück.

Get api/Customers

Liefert die Stammdaten eines oder mehrerer selektierten Kunden zurück.

Request Information

searchsearch for customer names that are connected by a + signstring
isDeletedtrue, if only deleted customers shall be searchedboolean

RESPONSE Information

Diese Methode gibt Objekte des Typs ReportCustomerDTO zurück.

Get api/DailySummaries

Liefert die aggregierten Tageswerte eines oder mehrerer selektierten Mitarbeiter innerhalb eines definierten Zeitraums zurück.

Request Information

userssearch for users that are connected by a + signstring
logonfirst date that is returnedstring
logofflast date that is returnedstring

RESPONSE Information

Diese Methode gibt Objekte des Typs ReportDailySummaryDTO zurück.

Get api/MonthlySummaries

Liefert die aggregierten Monatswerte eines oder mehrerer selektierten Mitarbeiter innerhalb eines definierten Zeitraums zurück.

Request Information

userssearch for users that are connected by a + signstring
logonfirst month that is returnedstring
logofflast month that is returnedstring

RESPONSE Information

Diese Methode gibt Objekte des Typs ReportSummaryDTO zurück.

Get api/YearlySummaries

Liefert die aggregierten Jahreswerte eines oder mehrerer selektierten Mitarbeiter innerhalb eines definierten Zeitraums zurück.

Request Information

userssearch for users that are connected by a + signstring
logonfirst year that is returnedstring
logofflast year that is returnedstring

RESPONSE Information

Diese Methode gibt Objekte des Typs ReportYearlySummaryDTO zurück.

Get api/DailyProjectTimes

Diese Methode liefert die auf Tageswerte aggregierte Projektzeiten zurück.

Request Information

searchsearch for projects that are connected by a + signstring
lifeCylcesearch for projects that are in a special state (0 = all, 1 = planning, 2 = active, 4 = done, 8 = deleted)integer

RESPONSE Information

Diese Methode gibt Objekte des Typs ReportProjectTimeDto zurück.