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Version: 5.2

Authentication Service


The authentication object has to be send with every method whenever a user-authentication is required. This ensures that the user has the required access rights.

StringCustomerTokenDefines the mandated customer. This field correlates to the database settings in the TimePunch Server
StringTpUserTimePunch Profile of the used Principal
StringTpHashedPwdPassword Hash (build with MD5 Encryption)
StringIdentityProfile Name of the used Identity, or empty, if the identity is equal to the principal. In order to switch the identity, the principal needs administration rights.
StringCultureCulture that is used for the localization. e.g. „de-DE”

ValidatedAuthenticationDto : TpAuthentication

This class is returned at logon and contains the permissions and the filled customer token in addition to the transferred data of the TpAuthentication class.

List\<String>ValidatedPermissionsPermissions of the logged on user.


Diese Klasse enthält die Basisdaten um ein TimePunch Profil zu identifizieren.

GuidIdUnique ID of TimePunch Profile
StringSaveAsNameName of the TimePunch Profile used to show the user.
StringLogonNameBy default the logon name is identical to the used windows logon.
StringUserNameFirst name and last name of the user.
StringEmailEmail of the user

UserLogonDto : UserProfileDto

This class is derived from the UserProfileDto and contains the base data and in addition a TimePunch profile to identify expanded information.

UserRightsRightsPermission of the user
DateTime?FirstEntryDate/Time of the first entry, if the user has an entry, otherwise NULL
DateTime?LastEntryDate/Time of the last entry, if the user has an entry, otherwise NULL
BoolIsUserProfileActiveTrue, if the user profile is active.
DateTime?LockedUpToDate until that the time entries are locked. NULL, if no time entries are locked at all.
BoolIsInCoverageTrue, if the user profile is in coverage

UserSearchDto : PagingContextDto

This class contains all basic data of PagingContextDto and defines a filter to search for TimePunch profiles.

UserFilteringUserFilteringDefines if the users are filtered (CurrentUser, AllUser, SelfDefined)
Guid[]UserIdsIf Filter is set to “SelfDefined” than the users will be filtered by the given ids.
StringGenericSearchGeneric search string that search for logon and/or user name.
Bool?IsUserDeletedNULL, searches for deleted and active users. True, to search only for deleted users. False, to search only for non-deleted users.
Guid[]IsNotInGroupIdsList of group Ids where the user may not be a member of
Guid[]IsInGroupIdsList of group Ids where the user must be a member of
stringLogonNameSearches for the logon name
stringUserCodeSearches for the user code
BoolApplyUserCoverageApplies the coverage for the search


This class contains information about whether automatic registration of new employees is allowed.

BoolIsAutoregistrationAllowedDefines whether the auto-registration of new staff members is allowed.
UserRightsDefaultUserRightsGet the user rights of new staff members
BoolIsAutomaticLicensingDefines whether new members will get a new license. But only if there are licenses still available.