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Version: 5.2

Sync Service


This class contains information about the TimePunch Profile and the last synchronization date.

GuidIdUnique ID of TimePunch Profile
StringSaveAsNameName of the TimePunch Profile used to show the user.
StringLogonNameBy default the logon name is identical to the used windows logon.
StringUserNameFirst name and last name of the user.
DateTimeLastSyncTimeFilled, if the profile has been synced at some date.


Diese Klasse enthält Informationen über das mit einem TimePunch Profil verbundene mobile Gerät.

SyncUserProfileDtoUserProfileThe synced user profile that is connected with the mobile device
Guid?DeviceConnectionIdThe id of the connected device
StringDeviceNameThe name of the connected device
StringDeviceUserThe user of the connected device
StringSyncMailThe mail address of the connected device
SyncStateSyncStateThe current sync state (Not Synced / Receive Data / Send Data / Both)
BindingStateBindingStateThe current state of the user connection