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Version: 5.4

Logging Service


This class contains the data of the currently active time-entry. The active time entry is the one for which the current time is recorded.

GuidIdUnique ID of the active time entry
DateTimeLastUpdateTime stamp of the last update
GuidProjectIdUnique project Id for that the time tracking has been started.
StringProjectNameName of the project for that the time tracking has been started.
GuidTaskIdUnique Task Id, if the time tracking has been started for a specific task.
StringTaskNameName of the task, if the time tracking has been started for a specific task.
StringDescriptionDescription of the current time entry.
DateTimeLogonTimeStart time of the current time tracking.
DoubleBreakTimeAmount of break time in hours within the current time tracking.
DateTimeBreakStartTimeStart time of the current break, if the user started a break.
DateTimeBreakEndTimeEnd time of the last break, if the break has been finished.
TimeEntry-LoggingStateLoggingStateDefines the state of the current logging (NoActiveEntry, WorkTimeLogging, BreakTimeLogging)
LongBackgroundColorBackground colour of the project that gets tracked.
LongTextColorText colour of the project that gets tracked.
DateTimeLockTimeTimestamp where the PC got locked due to a screensaver event etc.
StringLogonNameDependent TimePunch profile
GuidUserIdId of the user dependent TimePunch Profile
StringCustomerNameName of the customer that has been set for the time entry.
StringCustomerRefNrRef.Nr. of the customer that has been set for the time entry
GuidCustomerIdUnique customer Id
BoolIsImportantTrue, if the time entry has been marked as important. This will force the project report to show the description.
BoolIsOnsiteTrue, if the time entry has been marked as onsite.
StringProjectDescriptionGets the project description
StringTaskNameIdGets the displayed task id
StringTaskDescriptionGets the task description
TimeEntryTypeUsageGets the usage of the active time entry
StringTimeZoneGets the timezone where the active time entry belongs too
BoolIsNotInvoicedTrue, if the active time entry gets not invoiced at all.


This class is derived from the PagingContextDto and will be used to search for active time entries.

List\<Guid>FilteredProjectsIf null, all projects will be returned. If the collection is empty, nothing will be returned. If the collection is filled with project ids, only entries with the given project ids will be returned.
List\<Guid>FilteredTasksIf null, all tasks will be returned. If the collection is empty, nothing will be returned. If the collection is filled with task ids, only entries with the given task ids will be returned.
List\<Guid>FilteredUsersIf null or empty, the data of the current user will be returned. If the collection is filled with, only entries with the given user ids will be returned.


The Logging Context contains all data that is necessary for the client in order to do a proper time-recording.

List\<ProjectDto>ActiveProjectsCollection containing all projects the user can book times.
List\<TaskDto>CommonTasksCollection of common tasks
ActiveTimeEntryDtoActiveTimeEntryActive time entry, if a logging has been started.
LoggingSettingsDtoSettingsLogging Settings for the current user
List\<TimeEntryDto>TodayEntriesCollection of time entries of the current day
GuidProposedProjectIdId of the Project that should be used to start the next time recording.
GuidProposedTaskIdId of the Task that should be used with the next time recording.
TimeAccountDtoTimeAccountCurrent time account information.
List\<CustomerDto>CustomersList of customers the user can choose from.
UserProfileDtoUserProfileUser profile to that the logging context belongs.


This class contains the recording settings for the TimePunch profile.

BoolInstantLoggingValue indicating whether the time recording shall start directly after starting the TimePunch Watcher.
Recording-ModeRecordingModeValue indicating in which recording mode the TimePunch Watcher shall be used (Complex, Simple, Orwell)
IntRemaindUserAfterMinutesAmount of minutes after that the user shall get a reminder.
IntTimeRecordingPrecisionRecording precision in minutes
DoubleMaxTimeOfInactivityGets max. Time of inactivity before an automatic break will be started.
GuidDefaultProjectIdDefault project id to start the first logging
StringDefaultProjectNameDefault project name
GuidDefaultTaskIdDefault task id to start the first logging
StringDefaultTaskNameDefault task name
Default-ProjectModeDefaultProjectModeDefines if the recording shall start with a fixed project or with the project that has been used for the last time recording.
UserProfileDtoUserProfileThe user profile to which the logging settings belongs.
GPSTrackingGPSTrackingDefines if the gps tracking is dnied, optional or mandatory. (deny = -1, optional = 0, mandatory = 1)
RetroactiveProjectAssignmentDtoRetroactiveProjectAssignmentSettings used by the retroactive project assignment
boolPreventDefaultBreakDefines that the default break used by the cutter, shall not be used to create new time entries manually
ProjectSortingProjectSortingDefines the sorting of the project list