Configuration Service
TimePunch's configuration service provides methods for reading and/or saving settings in TimePunch.
This method returns the global settings of the Attendance list module.
AttendanceSettingsDto LoadAttendanceSettings(
out TpFault fault,
TpAuthentication authentication);
Needed Permission | core@logon | |
Name | Modifier | Description |
fault | Out | Contains the error if an exception occurs. |
authentication | User authentication | |
Return value | Information about the attendance settings |
This method allows you to save the global settings for the Attendance list module.
void SaveAttendanceSettings(
out TpFault fault,
TpAuthentication authentication,
AttendanceSettingsDto attendanceSettings);
Needed Permission | core@administrate | |
Name | Modifier | Description |
fault | Out | Contains the error if an exception occurs. |
authentication | User authentication | |
attendanceSettings | Information about the attendance settings |
This method returns the cost centers defined in TimePunch for the different posting types.
CostCenterDto LoadCostCenterSettings(
out TpFault fault,
TpAuthentication authentication);
Needed Permission | core@logon | |
Name | Modifier | Description |
fault | Out | Contains the error if an exception occurs. |
authentication | User authentication | |
Return value | Information about the cost centers |
This method allows you to save the cost centers for the different booking types in TimePunch.
void SaveCostCenterSettings(
out TpFault fault,
TpAuthentication authentication,
CostCenterDto costCenter);
Needed Permission | datev@export | |
Name | Modifier | Description |
fault | Out | Contains the error if an exception occurs. |
authentication | User authentication | |
costCenter | Information about the cost centers |
This method loads the settings for exporting to DATEV.
GlobalSalaryExportDto LoadDatevExportSettings(
out TpFault fault,
TpAuthentication authentication);
Needed Permission | core@logon | |
Name | Modifier | Description |
fault | Out | Contains the error if an exception occurs. |
authentication | User authentication | |
Return value | Information about the datev settings |
This method saves the settings for the DATEV export.
void SaveDatevExportSettings(
out TpFault fault,
TpAuthentication authentication,
GlobalSalaryExportDto datevExport);
Needed Permission | datev@export | |
Name | Modifier | Description |
fault | Out | Contains the error if an exception occurs. |
authentication | User authentication | |
datevExport | Information about the datev settings |
This method loads the settings for automatic mail sending in TimePunch.
AutomatedMailsDto LoadMailSettings(
out TpFault fault,
TpAuthentication authentication);
Needed Permission | core@logon | |
Name | Modifier | Description |
fault | Out | Contains the error if an exception occurs. |
authentication | User authentication | |
Return value | Information about the automated mail settings |
This method saves the settings for automatic mail sending in TimePunch.
void SaveMailSettings(
out TpFault fault,
TpAuthentication authentication,
MailSettingsDto mailSettings);
Needed Permission | core@administrate | |
Name | Modifier | Description |
fault | Out | Contains the error if an exception occurs. |
authentication | User authentication | |
mailSettings | Information about the automated mail settings |
This method loads settings that affect all users equally and cause a special behavior in TimePunch.
UserSettingsDto LoadUserSettings(
out TpFault fault,
TpAuthentication authentication);
Needed Permission | core@logon | |
Name | Modifier | Description |
fault | Out | Contains the error if an exception occurs. |
authentication | User authentication | |
Return value | User settings object |
This method saves the settings for the special behavior in TimePunch.
void SaveUserSettings(
out TpFault fault,
TpAuthentication authentication,
UserSettingsDto userSettings);
Needed Permission | core@administrate | |
Name | Modifier | Description |
fault | Out | Contains the error if an exception occurs. |
authentication | User authentication | |
userSettings | Information about the datev settings |
This method loads the employee-specific settings for wage data export into a payroll program.
List<UserSalaryExportDto> LoadUserSalaryExportDto(
out TpFault fault,
TpAuthentication authentication,
List<Guid> userIds);
Needed Permission | salaryExport@access | |
Name | Modifier | Description |
fault | Out | Contains the error if an exception occurs. |
authentication | User authentication | |
userIds | User Ids to load the salary export dto | |
Return value | Salary export settings per user |
This method saves the employee-specific settings for the wage data export.
void SaveUserSalaryExportDto(
out TpFault fault,
TpAuthentication authentication,
List<UserSalaryExportDto> salaryExportDtos);
Needed Permission | core@administrate | |
Name | Modifier | Description |
fault | Out | Contains the error if an exception occurs. |
authentication | User authentication | |
salaryExportDtos | Salary export settings per user |
This method loads the document store configuration from the application server.
DocumentStoreConfigurationDto LoadDocumentStoreConfiguration(
out TpFault fault,
TpAuthentication authentication);
Needed Permission | documentStore@access | |
Name | Modifier | Description |
fault | Out | Contains the error if an exception occurs. |
authentication | User authentication | |
Return value | Document storage configuration |
This method writes the configuration of the document store in the application server.
void SaveDocumentStoreConfiguration(
out TpFault fault,
TpAuthentication authentication,
DocumentStoreConfigurationDto configuration);
Needed Permission | core@administrate | |
Name | Modifier | Description |
fault | Out | Contains the error if an exception occurs. |
authentication | User authentication | |
configuration | The document storage configuration |
This method loads the UI settings from TimePunch.
VisualSettingsDto LoadVisualSettings(
out TpFault fault,
TpAuthentication authentication);
Needed Permission | --- | |
Name | Modifier | Description |
fault | Out | Contains the error if an exception occurs. |
authentication | User authentication | |
Return Value | The visual settings object |
This method saves the UI settings of TimePunch.
void SaveVisualSettings(
out TpFault fault,
TpAuthentication authentication,
VisualSettingsDto visualSettings);
Needed Permission | core@administrate | |
Name | Modifier | Description |
fault | Out | Contains the error if an exception occurs. |
authentication | User authentication | |
visualSettings | The visual settings object |
This method loads the settings for retrospective project assignment.
RetroactiveProjectAssignmentDto LoadRetroactiveProjectAssignment(
out TpFault fault,
TpAuthentication authentication);
Needed Permission | --- | |
Name | Modifier | Description |
fault | Out | Contains the error if an exception occurs. |
authentication | User authentication | |
Return Value | The retroactive project settings |
This method saves the settings for retroactive project assignment.
void SaveRetroactiveProjectAssignment(
out TpFault fault,
TpAuthentication authentication,
RetroactiveProjectAssignmentDto RetroactiveProjectAssignment);
Needed Permission | core@administrate | |
Name | Modifier | Description |
fault | Out | Contains the error if an exception occurs. |
authentication | User authentication | |
RetroactiveProjectAssignment | The retroactive project settings object |
This method loads the settings for the internal time account calculation.
CalculationInternalsDto LoadCalculationInternals(
out TpFault fault,
TpAuthentication authentication);
Needed Permission | core@administrate | |
Name | Modifier | Description |
fault | Out | Contains the error if an exception occurs. |
authentication | User authentication | |
CalculationInternalsDto | The loaded calculation internals |
This method stores the settings for the internal time account calculation.
void SaveCalculationInternals(
out TpFault fault,
TpAuthentication authentication,
CalculationInternalsDto calculationInternals);
Needed Permission | core@administrate | |
Name | Modifier | Description |
fault | Out | Contains the error if an exception occurs. |
authentication | User authentication | |
CalculationInternalsDto | calculationInternals | The calculation internals to save |
This method loads the global recording settings.
GlobalRecordingSettingsDto LoadGlobalRecordingSettings(
out TpFault fault,
TpAuthentication authentication);
Needed Permission | core@administrate | |
Name | Modifier | Description |
fault | Out | Contains the error if an exception occurs. |
authentication | User authentication | |
GlobalRecordingSettingsDto | The global recording settings |
This method loads the global recording settings.
void SaveGlobalRecordingSettings(
out TpFault fault,
TpAuthentication authentication,
GlobalRecordingSettingsDto globalRecordingSettings);
Needed Permission | core@administrate | |
Name | Modifier | Description |
fault | Out | Contains the error if an exception occurs. |
authentication | User authentication | |
GlobalRecordingSettingsDto | globalRecordingSettings | The global recording settings |